PETALING JAYA - A VIDEO showing a man, resembling a top Opposition leader having sex with a woman, believed to be a foreign prostitute, has emerged.
The 30-minute video, which showed the supposedly high profile Member of Parliament in various compromising positions, is set to rock the Malaysian political arena. The video recorded on Feb 21 was found in a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur.
Press representatives were taken to a hotel room individually to view the video footage by a group of unknown people led by a person, who only wanted to be known as Datuk T.
Datuk T said he wanted the media to watch the footage showing the politician before sending the copy to him and his wife 'to identify the person in the video' a week from now. He said if the individual in the video was the politician he had identfied to the media, "then he and his wife must step down from politics.'
Datuk T said saying he was not 'the pious person with high moral values and integrity as portrayed, and therefore is not fit to be leader.' Datuk T said if the two did not quit politics, 'I will call on several NGOs (non-government organisations) to set up an independent panel to investigate and seek professional forensic services to study the authenticity of the recordings.'
Datuk T claimed he had stumbled upon the video after he was asked by the politician to search for his watch in the room where the sexual encounter had taken place.
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